How Goalseye Works
Program Overview
Capstone Projects
Project Timeline
Rewards Catalog
Get Started
Program Overview
Our goal is simple: to help students channel their unique strengths and interests into compelling narratives that stand out.
Students Set the Tone
The Goalseye journey begins with students identifying their interests and an area of focus for a potential capstone project.
We help narrow down extracurricular activities, hobbies, and personal passions to create a shortlist of different topics.
Parents can review the potential topics and provide feedback on their suitability.
daily engagement & rewards
Students receive daily tasks designed to inspire thought.
Students earn points for each task they complete.
Points can be cashed in at Goalseye's Rewards Catalog.
Quality Checked by Experts
Goalseye College Counselors review every response.
Points are awarded based on completeness and effort.
Monthly Progress Check-Ins
Parents receive a monthly report card highlighting their student’s progress and keeping them on track.
Turning Ideas into Action
Over several years, students move from idea exploration to taking action through planning, finding advisors, conducting research and more.
Each part of the project is broken down into manageable daily steps.